Community Council and Hall Committee AGMs

You are invited to come along to the Tynron Community Council and Tynron Parish Hall Committee AGMs on Monday 15th May starting at 7.30pm.    Refreshments including Wine and Nibbles will be available and there will be a chance to chat about what you would like to see happening in Tynron.

Cake and Ceilidh Club

Tuesday  2nd May  will be our last Cake and Ceilidh for this season. Holidays and gardens are calling!
Please come along if you can.    The Cake and Ceilidh Club sessions will start again in September – see you all then.



We now have a public access defibrillator which is located in a box on the outside of Tynron Parish Hall. This is part of a scheme run by The Hub and has been purchased by the Community Council.

It is designed to be used by anyone in the event of a person suffering a cardiac arrest. Once you switch it on, it will give you clear instructions on what to do and it WON’T work if the casualty’s heart is beating so you can’t hurt someone.

We have had one training session for people living in the village and some regular hall users. If there is enough demand, we would like to arrange a further session after lambing has finished. The training lasts 2 hours and gives you a chance to learn how to do CPR and to try out using a defibrillator. If you would like to come along to the training, please let me know.


Our thanks go to the village resident  who has kindly volunteered to check the defibrillator and box regularly.

Linda McDonald