FILM NIGHT @Tynron Parish Hall


@ TYNRON Parish Hall

Film “Angel’s Share”

REFRESHMENTS and a WEE NIP will be served
….you may also want to bring your own bottle…

ALL WELCOME – Price £5
For more details contact Hilary 01848 200219 or Mary 01848 200379

Vote for Projects- Keir, Penpont and Tynron Action Plan

Tynron was very well represented at a packed meeting last night in Keir Hall and we each had the chance to place 6 votes for our preferred project ideas. If you weren’t able to come along, you can make YOUR selection by going to The deadline for voting will be 3rd February.

The most popular ideas will be included in a Community Action Plan. Community Enterprise will then suggest funders who could be approached for grants. The windfarm money could be used to provide the match funding which is usually required.

A copy of the Action Plan and a detailed report on the Community Consultation will be circulated to you, in due course.

Please encourage everyone in your household to get involved and vote.